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Spiritualist Healing

PLEASE NOTE: My readings are done via ZOOM or on the phone. For these readings, please schedule on the website through Schedulicity.

Lisa Raine is accredited as a Spiritualist Healing Medium after training and certification from the Spiritualist National Union (SNU) in the United Kingdom.

Spiritualist Healing is a form of mediumship, where the Medium attunes to spirit and allows beneficial energies to be transmitted to the client. The Spiritualist Healing Medium often has no prior knowledge of the client’s state of health or why the patient has come for treatment, yet often the patient appears to receive help for the very condition that has caused them to seek help.

Healing Mediums undergo theoretical and practical training which covers subjects as diverse as greeting the client, understanding the source of the healing energy, and how to administer it and understanding the law in relation to healing.

Contact me for more information on spiritualist healing.


  • 30-minute Reading – $95
  • 60-minute Reading – $175
Spiritual Healing